Val Town Idea Aggregator

This val serves as an aggegrator for personal lists of ideas people have for what they want to build on val town (or anything else having to do with Val Town, I suppose).


Starting your own list

To create your own collection and add to this list, do the following:

  1. Fork this template val
  2. Add the following metadata to the top of your freshly forked val's code
// @vtIdeas 
// @title <insert a nice title>
  1. Change your new val's name (see the list below for names already in use)
  2. Add your ideas to the readme!

Note: Make your val public when you're ready for it to be listed here.

Reserved Val Names

The following val names are already in use, and therefore should not be used: vt_playground_demo, gameIdeaApi, myIdeas, vtIdeaList, VALLErun, love_letter, infiniteNewIdeas, avidAmaranthHare, cerebras_coder, ideaList, valTownInspirationEmail, profoundCoffeeViper, dot_com, vs4vijay, valtownIdeas, dot_com, valle_tmp_563310902711919480463986409263

Feature Wish List

Here's some stuff that could be added to this site (sure there's a lot more!). Feel free to help if you can!